Expected behaviour

The following is the expected behavior when you use the features of the ColorTokens Spectrum portal.

  • A user account in Spectrum can be associated with up to 40 app instances of Xshield and/or Xprotect. If you associate a user account with more than 40 instances, you will see a Request header or cookie too large error message on the apps' UIs. In Xshield instances, the HUD Dashboard page does not display data. You may see similar issues in the Xprotect instances.

  • Switching organizations does not persist across login sessions to Spectrum. If you log out of Spectrum after you switch organizations, you will always see the landing page of the organization named with the lowest numeral or alphabet when you log in again. For example, if you are managing Three organizations, Org1, Org2, and Org3, and log out after switching to Org3, when you log in again, you will see the landing page for Org1.


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