Access organizations and instances

The ColorTokens Spectrum portal is designed to allow users to manage multiple Spectrum organizations and the app instances in these organizations. If the user accounts across the organizations and instances are tagged to a single email address, logging into Spectrum with that email address lets you access all the organizations and instances to which you are added.

Users with the User Manager role cannot launch app instances.

Switch organizations

If you are managing instances in multiple organizations, you must first switch to the right organization before you start using the instances.

  1. Click the App Switcher (top-right corner of the UI).

    You will see a floating panel with the organizations for which you are the Instance Admin (on the left) and the instances in these organizations to which you are added (on the right).

  2. In the Organizations selector on the left, scroll up or down and click an organization and click Switch Organization.

    You will see the instances in the organization you selected, the Instances listing on the right.

Launch instances

When you launch an instance in Spectrum, you are redirected to the UI of the instance. You can now configure the security features for the instance and monitor the alerts from the instance. The features you see in the instance depend on the Instance Manager sub-role assigned to you. For the complete list of app-specific features assigned to the Instance Manager sub-roles in Xshield and Xprotect, see RBAC roles in Xshield and RBAC roles in Xprotect.

As an Org Admin, you can launch all the instances in your organizations. As an Instance Manager, you can launch the instances to which you are added.

Method 1 (from the Instances page)
  1. Go to Launchpad.

    You will see the instances to which you are added (in the organization you selected). See Switch organizations for how to switch organizations.

  2. On the Instances tab, click Launch next to the instance.

If you are managing a large number of instances, you can filter the Instances by the type of app and/or by the name of the instance.

  • To filter instances by the type of app, select the app from the Show Applications drop-down list.

  • To filter instances by their name, enter the name of the instance in the Search box (on the banner).

Method 2 (from the App Switcher)
  1. Click the App Switcher (top-right corner of the UI).

    You will see all the organizations and the instances to which you are added.

  2. Switch to the desired organization, and click the instance.

If you are managing a large number of instances, use the scroll bar and/or filter the App Switcher by the name of the instance.

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